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Grumman E-2 Hawkeye (16-9064) - United States Navy Grumman E-2D Hawkeye (169064)br /VAW 120 (Airborne Command and Control Squadron One Two Oh) "Greyhawks"br /Current Home Port: NAS Norfolkbr /VAW-120 is a Fleet Replacement Squadronbr /br /This Greyhawks Hawkeye made a single "Touch and Go(ne)" at RNO.
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Grumman E-2 Hawkeye (16-9064)


United States Navy Grumman E-2D Hawkeye (169064)
VAW 120 (Airborne Command and Control Squadron One Two Oh) "Greyhawks"
Current Home Port: NAS Norfolk
VAW-120 is a Fleet Replacement Squadron

This Greyhawks Hawkeye made a single "Touch and Go(ne)" at RNO.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
When I caught this series of clicks of 169064 making a single T & G at RNO, I knew I would only get this one pass to take good shots. All of the pics, including this one, came out fine. But I received a pleasant surprise just one week later. While I was with the group at NAS Fallon, along came this same VAW-120 Hawkeye. So I was able to snap it again at NFL.
Darryl Sarno
Wow! Great shot and catch Gary! Thank you for the details as well! 5 *'s!
Excellent shot, as usual - with all the details.

Just watched a couple of these guys doing T & G's at Point Mugu NAS. Big one to put on a carrier!
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