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BOEING 767-300 (N395AN) - Flashback to 2013 ~~~br /AAL's N395AN*, wearing "One World" livery paint, taxies away from American's mx facility at O'Hare in this click taken nine years ago.br /* This Boeing heavy is no longer in American's fleet. It has been converted to cargo configuration and today it is dressed in Amazon's "Prime Air" scheme (operated by ATI) and has been reregistered as N499AZ. *
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BOEING 767-300 (N395AN)


Flashback to 2013 ~~~
AAL's N395AN*, wearing "One World" livery paint, taxies away from American's mx facility at O'Hare in this click taken nine years ago.
* This Boeing heavy is no longer in American's fleet. It has been converted to cargo configuration and today it is dressed in Amazon's "Prime Air" scheme (operated by ATI) and has been reregistered as N499AZ. *


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
This was my first-ever capture of ANY Oneworld Alliance member airline with the Oneworld livery on it. And as I had waited (rather impatiently) for it to taxi forward to a location where I could get an unobstructed snap of it, I became so focused on watching it that I stopped paying attention to anything else. And, at ORD, paying attention ALL the time to EVERYthing that is going on is imperative.
Fortunately, I looked around right after snapping this shot ... just in time to see a United in "Star Alliance" paint coming from my left and just about to pass between this AA B763 and me. Until that very moment, I had also never gotten a closeup click of ANY Star Alliance member airline wearing Star Alliance paint. It all happened so fast that I had no time to be stunned. I just held the shutter down and fired a 12 shot burst.
And so, in a stroke of amazingly great luck, I managed to get a snap of an AA in Oneworld paint in the same frame with a UA Star Alliance liverybird.
Darryl Sarno
Great shot and history Gary! I always loved the traditional AA livery . Also loved how you have the American Airlines building in back to add to the perspective. Well done and filling in all 5!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Howdy, Darryl. Happy New Year to you, old buddy. (Wave) And many Thanx for the comment / compli.
James Simms
Anyone notice the Smiley Face underneath the cockpit?
Tom Vance
Great shot Gman!!!! 5x for the word smithing and detail.....I never saw this jet. 5x extra for the building in the back.
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