36 Stimmen (4.72 Durchschnitt) und 7.230 Ansichten  

McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-5216) - United States Marine Corps F/A-18C Hornet (165216)br /VMFA 323 (Marine Fighter Attack Squadron Tree Two Tree) "Death Rattlers"br /Current Home Port: MCAS Miramar, CAbr /Recently returned from deployment aboard (see * below) the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) .... Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW 17)br /br /* The "Death Rattlers" recently completed their deployment on the Nimitz, and the return of VMFA 323 marked the end of the last-ever deployment of F/A-18C Hornets.
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-5216)


United States Marine Corps F/A-18C Hornet (165216)
VMFA 323 (Marine Fighter Attack Squadron Tree Two Tree) "Death Rattlers"
Current Home Port: MCAS Miramar, CA
Recently returned from deployment aboard (see * below) the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) .... Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW 17)

* The "Death Rattlers" recently completed their deployment on the Nimitz, and the return of VMFA 323 marked the end of the last-ever deployment of F/A-18C Hornets.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
VMFA 323 will continue flying the legacy Hornets; however, Hornets will no longer be deployed on carriers.
Bob Smith
Great photo
ph gero
Thanks Gary for details and superb photo
Darryl Sarno
Fantastic Gary - Good sharp clear and clean photo!
Perfect shot, and the usual fine story to provide the details!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Bob S., ph gero, Darryl, and adelma ... TYVM for your comments & complis. Very much appreciated.
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