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Lockheed F-35C (16-9636) - Four US Navy F-35C Lightnings are captured here as they are notched at the end of NAS Fallon's Taxiway Alpha awaiting permission to launch. 169636 is the first F-35C in the group. To the immediate right of the fourth F-35 there were nine more warbirds (eight Navy F-18s and F-5s and one Tactical Air Support F-5) also notched in line awaiting clearance to take off.br /All four military metal aircraft seen here are assigned to VFA-147, the "Argonauts," home based at NAS Lemoore in California.  Strike Fighter Squadron 147 (VFA-147) will be reporting to the US Navy's newest aircraft carrier (which is also the largest aircraft carrier in the world), the USS Gerald R. Ford, when that ship begins its first-ever deployment a little over a year from now.
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Lockheed F-35C (16-9636)


Four US Navy F-35C Lightnings are captured here as they are notched at the end of NAS Fallon's Taxiway Alpha awaiting permission to launch. 169636 is the first F-35C in the group. To the immediate right of the fourth F-35 there were nine more warbirds (eight Navy F-18s and F-5s and one Tactical Air Support F-5) also notched in line awaiting clearance to take off.
All four military metal aircraft seen here are assigned to VFA-147, the "Argonauts," home based at NAS Lemoore in California. Strike Fighter Squadron 147 (VFA-147) will be reporting to the US Navy's newest aircraft carrier (which is also the largest aircraft carrier in the world), the USS Gerald R. Ford, when that ship begins its first-ever deployment a little over a year from now.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Three separate pictures were combined to create this single photo panorama. Then, because the combined final product was such a large file size, the finished version was reduced in file size in order to conform to FA photo gallery size limits.
Tom Vance
you had me in 'stitches' LOL....well done and that sound of 4x -35s has to be as awesome as the view! total 5x4.....!!!
Gavin Hughes
Great piece of work putting them all together. I believe that large Asian country that's caused so much grief to the world has some very large carriers in the works. Let's hope it never comes to it but also let's hope the USS Gerald R Ford is the first of many to keep a balance.
Darryl Sarno
Cool lineup! Great perspective!
ken kemper
Neat photo work to get this beauty of a pic Gary............
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