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LOCKHEED C-5 Super Galaxy (87-0044) - Lockheed C-5M Super Galaxy (870044)br /br /I was pleasantly surprised to see that this is the same Super Galaxy I photographed at KNFL when it was doing T and Gs. When I spoke briefly with a crewperson, I described how I had been on the edge of Runway 31L at Fallon when, during its s/final to the outboard runway 31R, this Super G had unexpectedly realigned on to NFL's inboard 31L and as a result had passed me so closely I couldn't get anything other than two tires in my pic. He told me that since I had (almost) been on board, I had earned a memento.br /When I got back home, I sewed it on to my camera bag. TYVVM, Sir.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

LOCKHEED C-5 Super Galaxy (87-0044)


Lockheed C-5M Super Galaxy (870044)

I was pleasantly surprised to see that this is the same Super Galaxy I photographed at KNFL when it was doing T and Gs. When I spoke briefly with a crewperson, I described how I had been on the edge of Runway 31L at Fallon when, during its s/final to the outboard runway 31R, this Super G had unexpectedly realigned on to NFL's inboard 31L and as a result had passed me so closely I couldn't get anything other than two tires in my pic. He told me that since I had (almost) been on board, I had earned a memento.
When I got back home, I sewed it on to my camera bag. TYVVM, Sir.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Eight airmen are standing by this Super G, and compared to the aircraft they don't look very big. I wonder how many troops it would take to fill it if they were standing in one large formation inside it, because not only is it a very lo---ng bird; it is also quite wi--de!
Darryl Sarno
Sweet catch Gary! Nice profile photo!
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