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BOEING 737-300 (N334SW) - Flashback (Fourteen years ago back to 2008) ~~br /"Shamu One," N334SW, the first of the three Southwest fleetbirds painted as Orca whales to promote SeaWorld, is rotating off Runway 16R in this click taken long ago in 2008.br /Younger viewers will not recall the controversy surrounding SeaWorld's treatment of its Orca whales, but that controversy finally led Southwest to discontinue its partnership with SeaWorld and as a result, the three Southwest jets painted in the Shamu livery and the one SWA jet painted as a penguin, "Penguin One,' were, with one exception, repainted.  The single exception; in other words, of the four, the one SWA jet that was not repainted out of the Shamu special livery scheme, was this B733.  Instead of repainting this one, Southwest retired it to KTUS (Tucson) in 2012.  Two years later, in 2014, this one was b/u.
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BOEING 737-300 (N334SW)


Flashback (Fourteen years ago back to 2008) ~~
"Shamu One," N334SW, the first of the three Southwest fleetbirds painted as Orca whales to promote SeaWorld, is rotating off Runway 16R in this click taken long ago in 2008.
Younger viewers will not recall the controversy surrounding SeaWorld's treatment of its Orca whales, but that controversy finally led Southwest to discontinue its partnership with SeaWorld and as a result, the three Southwest jets painted in the Shamu livery and the one SWA jet painted as a penguin, "Penguin One,' were, with one exception, repainted. The single exception; in other words, of the four, the one SWA jet that was not repainted out of the Shamu special livery scheme, was this B733. Instead of repainting this one, Southwest retired it to KTUS (Tucson) in 2012. Two years later, in 2014, this one was b/u.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I snapped this two years before I joined FA. Back then, I had no airside access to KRNO. But one of the best aviation photog buddies I've ever known DID have access, and he escorted me on to the RNO grounds for a great day of spotting. Now, fourteen years later, it is my turn - for the past four years I do the escorting for those who desire to get airside for closeup, unusual angle, and varied position pics.
Darryl Sarno
Great shot of 'Shamu' Gary! I remember seeing Shamu here in BOS and in MHT. Loved this livery! well done!
Young kids sure loved this design! Too bad about the 'Shamu' controversy, but Southwest undoubtedly did the right thing . . .
Wes Huston
Still looks like someone shoved a 737 up a whales #%$.
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