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Boeing 737-700 (N7709A) - Flashback to Aug, 2019 ~~br /Seen here in Southwest paint, N7709A (previously Air Tran N176AT .... then after this photo United N24760) is taxiing out from the Buffalo Niagara International terminal as, in the distance, a United B739 begins to climb away from Runway 05.br /Only a few months after this photo was taken, N7709A went to United and was reregistered as N24760. However, its "career" as a United fleetbird was extremely short-lived; N24760 was stored by United less than one year after this pic was snapped (in June, 2020) due to the Covid outbreak and it remains WFU at this time (May, 2021). Although I was unable to definitively determine where it is right now, I suspect it is either already in, or is soon going to be in, the boneyard.
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Boeing 737-700 (N7709A)


Flashback to Aug, 2019 ~~
Seen here in Southwest paint, N7709A (previously Air Tran N176AT .... then after this photo United N24760) is taxiing out from the Buffalo Niagara International terminal as, in the distance, a United B739 begins to climb away from Runway 05.
Only a few months after this photo was taken, N7709A went to United and was reregistered as N24760. However, its "career" as a United fleetbird was extremely short-lived; N24760 was stored by United less than one year after this pic was snapped (in June, 2020) due to the Covid outbreak and it remains WFU at this time (May, 2021). Although I was unable to definitively determine where it is right now, I suspect it is either already in, or is soon going to be in, the boneyard.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I had no way of knowing it when I clicked this shot, but this is probably one of the last photos ever taken of this B737-7xx in Southwest attire. I'm sure it isn't the very last pic, but since it went to United and then ended up in storage all within the ten month time period after I took this, there couldn't have been a large number of photos taken of it as a Southwest fleetbird after i took this one in August of 2019.
Tom Vance
I saw this and said 'No Way this is Reno.....' There are hundreds of planes parked, if not thousands. Some so new it makes me ill. Great capture here and you are correct. it'll be a while before it flies again.....if ever! 5x for the Novel :)
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