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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-0548) - Up on jacks in the NevANG hangar for some MX.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-0548)


Up on jacks in the NevANG hangar for some MX.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Those two ANG maintenance troops weren't at all concerned about that big old Herc maybe slipping off those jacks ... but ... if I had asked I'll bet they wouldn't have let ME crawl under there for a look-see. lol
Dave Sheehy
Difficult to get a good photo in the hangar with all the GSE out there! Great shot as always Gary :)
Darryl Sarno
Not everyone can get hangar shots so thank you for sharing this unique photo and perspective Gary! Filling in all 5!
Larry Toler
Great shot. According to the tail number starting with 92, it must be re-engined and modified. I was still USAF in '92 and I believe than the newest model was H and still had the older PowerPoint with 4 blades. The next year, while stationed at Ramstein me and some buddies drove out to the '93 Paris airshow. Lockheed had an exhibit with a model of the now current C130J. There was even a graphic of a full glass cockpit.
Robin Rebhan
Really nice photo! Quite the perspective of a great aircraft!
Joe Mayer
NP2000 propellers on a C-130H.
Michael Carden
I wonder if the tail number isn’t 02-0548 and this is indeed a J model?
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
It's an "H." All of the Hercs presently being flown by NevANG 152d AW "High Rollers" are Hs. As Joe Mayer observed, Collins Aerospace Tech has replaced 92-0548's legacy prop system with the EPC System and NP-2000 props. Under the contract, all C-130Hs being flown by the ANG and AFR will have (if they haven't already had) the old props replaced, but the Hercs being flown for certain missions are / were modified first, and Hercs being flown for MAFFS purposes were among the first. The "High Rollers" have been flying MAFFs missions for a few years so all their Hercs were among the first to undergo prop replacement. (Check the photo of 93-7313 I posted after this pic; it is also an "H" with the NP-2000 props that was one of the first to be modified because, as is obvious, it performs MAFFS missions.) Also, a quick question to you, Michael. Where did you find info about a Lockheed C-130J with the tail number of 02-0548? I can't find info on it anywhere and I cannot even find a photo of it anywhere on the web, and if it has been in service since 02-03, I'm astounded that no one has snapped a pic of it in twenty years? So if you have a sec, could you please provide link info to the web source where you saw it? TY. (Wave)
a mentor
read more on MAFFS here:https://www.fs.usda.gov/managing-land/fire/planes/maffs
Excellent shot! Gives real meaning to what 'heavy maintenance' is all about!
Isso sim é uma Maquina é tamto.
marylou anderson
Very Cool pic
Thanks for getting it!
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