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Boeing 747-400 (N465MC) - Rotating from Runway 16R to begin a flight to Cherry Point.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 747-400 (N465MC)


Rotating from Runway 16R to begin a flight to Cherry Point.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I hope the USMC never stops holding mountain training exercises in Bridgeport, CA, because the only time 747s visit here now is to drop off Marines who are going to the training site or pick up Marines who have completed the training.
Dave Sheehy
5*++++ shot of the Queen. Glad you were out there to capture this one Gary.
C.W. Reed
Excellent shot here Gary! More than a few TMC crews have gone on to 747's for Atlas. very good chance I know these pilots! 5 stars again ++++++++ Cheers!

Gavin Hughes
Super stuff Gary. Just captures the 747 superbly.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Dave, Gavin, and Hundo >> TYVVM to all of you. Hundo >>> Next time one visits, I'll try and get a word w/ the pilots and ask if they know you and if they do I'll get their names for you.
C.W. Reed
Thanks Gary! Appreciate that! Cheers!

Darryl Sarno
Beautiful plane and beautiful background! Fantastic capture Gary! 5 *'s!
Dwight Hartje
Excellent shot and catch! I saw one of these babies come into DSM during bowl season to pick up the Iowa State Cyclones to play Norte Dame. Interestingly both the two major teams the aircraft I saw toke their teams to defeat in their bowl games. After the Cyclones embossment to Norte Dame, the same Atlas Air 744 toke Wisconsin to their defeat in the Rose Bowl to Oregon. It was at least a good game.
Another great shot from Reno! Thanks Gary.
Anabela Simões
tão bom! A chegar. Boa ATERRAGEM
Mike Stone
The 47 is still the Queen of the skies. Great shot Gary, I wonder how many x SAT drivers and crew are working for Atlas.
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