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NC40182 — - * Not my photo * * Not my photo * (I was not yet born when this was taken.)br /Flashback (Seventy-three or seventy-four years ago back to approx 1948-1949) ~~br /A Stinson 108, NC40182, (bottom just to the right of dead center - facing away - just behind the man walking away) is among many different aircraft in this very old photo taken at Ithaca Airport (N.Y.) approx 1948-1949.br /This is another photo from the memorabilia collection of Mr. Larry Myers. Thus far, I have posted four photos from Larry's collection.br /** NOTE ... The aircraft reg is correct. In order to read it, I had to darken the photo very heavily which allowed the reg number on the wing to become visible enough to read. But I could not leave the photo in that condition because it was much too dark. **br /br /1946 ..... Stinson 108 comes off the production line and is registered NC40182.br /1948 - 1949 (approx) ..... This photo is taken.br /1967 ..... NC40182, by this year now registered N40182, is substantially damaged while landing at Brookhaven, N.Y., (KHWV), when it ground looped. The pilot and two passengers were uninjured.br /2022 ..... The Stinson 108 seen directly behind the man walking away (NC40182 / N40182) is still flying today.br /br /INFO NOTE >>> Robinson Aviation later became Mohawk Airlines.
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NC40182 —


* Not my photo * * Not my photo * (I was not yet born when this was taken.)
Flashback (Seventy-three or seventy-four years ago back to approx 1948-1949) ~~
A Stinson 108, NC40182, (bottom just to the right of dead center - facing away - just behind the man walking away) is among many different aircraft in this very old photo taken at Ithaca Airport (N.Y.) approx 1948-1949.
This is another photo from the memorabilia collection of Mr. Larry Myers. Thus far, I have posted four photos from Larry's collection.
** NOTE ... The aircraft reg is correct. In order to read it, I had to darken the photo very heavily which allowed the reg number on the wing to become visible enough to read. But I could not leave the photo in that condition because it was much too dark. **

1946 ..... Stinson 108 comes off the production line and is registered NC40182.
1948 - 1949 (approx) ..... This photo is taken.
1967 ..... NC40182, by this year now registered N40182, is substantially damaged while landing at Brookhaven, N.Y., (KHWV), when it ground looped. The pilot and two passengers were uninjured.
2022 ..... The Stinson 108 seen directly behind the man walking away (NC40182 / N40182) is still flying today.

INFO NOTE >>> Robinson Aviation later became Mohawk Airlines.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I love this pic, and not just because of all the aircraft in it. Check out the cars. This photo is full of history - both aviation history and automotive history. I am extremely grateful to Larry for salvaging all the photos he found, and to honor his memory and his foresight, I am sharing the pictures he sent to me several years ago. To the best of my knowledge, this picture and the three others I have already posted into the FA gallery cannot be viewed anywhere else on the web. (gcs)
Rick D
Before my time, too. Like that there are no fences
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