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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-4660) - Touching down on 31L yesterday afternoon (Apr 29, 2019) after participating in a special sortie.
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet (16-4660)


Touching down on 31L yesterday afternoon (Apr 29, 2019) after participating in a special sortie.


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Uwe Zinke
Hi Gary!!
very nice!!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi, Uwe. Thank you. But I actually clicked a much, much, MUCH more fabulous photo of a Super Hornet that was flying along with this one. Unfortunately, I cannot share the pics of that aircraft for several more months. The pics I took yesterday of that OTHER aircraft are now among my all-time Top aviation photos. I truly, truly wish I could share one now, but I was only permitted to get those photos if I promised not to reveal them publicly at this time. Until a certain "project" is completed and the result released nationwide, I am strictly forbidden from sharing my pics of the Super Hornet and the very, very well known person who is "piloting" it (AND waving AT me as the jet is landing next to me), but I can tell you that the pics I took yesterday rank as my #2 best-ever ultra-special captures. (The pics I took of Air Force One two years ago when I was invited to be on the national media platform will always be my #1 special captures -- the pics I got yesterday will probably always be my #2 "most special" shots.) Uwe, just as soon as I can share them, I will definitely get one to you and also post one here on FA. (Wave)
Tom Vance
You lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lewis Tripp
This is a first class operation and the photography is excellent.
Uwe Zinke
Hi Gary!!
have snapped at our last ramptour in Frankfurt also any pics but i can't upload.
Fraport says no to poblishing this pics!!
Dave Sheehy
5* Gary! Great shot.
bill stafford
Top Gun 2???
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Bill >> Thumbs Up. Word I heard is a December release. That's eight looooong months ......
C.W. Reed
Counting the weeks until the release of those 10 star photos! Thanks Gary!!
THE Aircraft stalled in a 30 degree bank on the return to takoff point The MCAS is a dog as I pointed out in a email several years I sent to fax. I talked to the local. FSDO
And they said they are not responsible for 737 max
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