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Boeing 737-800 (N749MA) - Miami Air Internationals "Sheila," a B738 (N749MA), is captured in this photo taken three hours ago as it is on final to land at Reno Tahoe International to complete a flight from Cherry Point (KNKT).  When "Sheila" parked at Atlantic Aviation, the planeload full of United States Marines emerged into the air temperature of 99 degrees F and an on-the-ramp temperature over 110 degrees F.  It is summertime here in northern Nevada.br /* Suggest selecting FULL for best Q.
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Boeing 737-800 (N749MA)


Miami Air International's "Sheila," a B738 (N749MA), is captured in this photo taken three hours ago as it is on final to land at Reno Tahoe International to complete a flight from Cherry Point (KNKT). When "Sheila" parked at Atlantic Aviation, the planeload full of United States Marines emerged into the air temperature of 99 degrees F and an on-the-ramp temperature over 110 degrees F. It is summertime here in northern Nevada.
* Suggest selecting FULL for best Q.


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Greg Byington
Nice shot, Gary!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi, Greg. TYVM. This is "Sheila's" second trip here to Reno from Cherry Point in the past 25 hours. The Marines are arriving to begin training exercises in Bridgeport (CA). I truly respect these guys and gals ... it's hotter than h-ll and they are in uniform AND carrying all their gear. The ONLY "plus' for them is that these weeks of training aren't being held down in Arizona ... where 100 degrees means it is a COOL day! (lol)
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hey, Greg, a PS ... This pic was clicked thru a cloud of wildfire smoke. Smoke from the "Aspen Fire" just to the west has settled over downtown Reno and the airport like a blanket. I was able to position close enough to catch this arrival thru the hazy smoke cloud.
Greg Byington
Thanks for the info, Gary! Yeah, I'm in AZ and can attest to the heat. Nice job, and the smoke doesn't seem to have adversely affected the pic.
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