31 Stimmen (4.67 Durchschnitt) und 11.865 Ansichten  

Boeing Harrier (16-4571) - Two VMA-311 "Tomcats" come up and away from Renos infrequently used runway 25.  The lead (lower) AV-8B Harrier ("01") is 164571, but I was unable to catch the numbers on the second one.  Both were heading back to their MCAS Yuma home base after making an Armed Forces Day stopover in Reno.
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Boeing Harrier (16-4571)


Two VMA-311 "Tomcats" come up and away from Reno's infrequently used runway 25. The lead (lower) AV-8B Harrier ("01") is 164571, but I was unable to catch the numbers on the second one. Both were heading back to their MCAS Yuma home base after making an Armed Forces Day stopover in Reno.


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rick worboys
Beautiful photo Gary and great explanation. It's always nice to know what the pic is all about. Thanks!
alan mistrater
Are these still the jets that hold the record for the most crashes?
Cool! Sorry, but I'll say it so Top Gun!
john cook
You sure can't miss those Reno Hill's
Back Straight Bums Say "RA RA"
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Geez. These are all great comments, guys. My saying "Thanks" for the compliments seems rather tame because I am much, more more than just thankful; I really, really do appreciate all the comments and the time you each gave to add them under this picture. And all the high votes from so many viewers ... I wish I had a better word than just "Thanks."
Ric, I, too, enjoy reading some info about any photos I view, so I understand and agree. You're welcome, and TYVM for the compli. Alan, are you perhaps thinking about Ospreys? NYSIC, many Thanks. Francisco, I had to use a translator to read your comment, and when I did, I was extremely honored to read your words. I share your enthusiasm for all aircraft and I truly appreciate your comment to me. Maybe we may meet one day and have a fabulous day of photo-taking and spotting. I would enjoy that, my friend. And John, you have obviously been here. If there is ever a next visit to Reno or Stead for you, please let me know, k? [email protected]
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