39 Stimmen (4.55 Durchschnitt) und 9.989 Ansichten  

Airbus A319 (N710UW) - After rejecting* during its first takeoff attempt (*see my photo of N710UW posted yesterday), N710UW departs to the south headed for Phoenix after a 20+ minute delay. The earlier RTO occurred due to an incorrect instrument indication.
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Airbus A319 (N710UW)


After rejecting* during its first takeoff attempt (*see my photo of N710UW posted yesterday), N710UW departs to the south headed for Phoenix after a 20+ minute delay. The earlier RTO occurred due to an incorrect instrument indication.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
That's Slide Mt in the background. The forecasts call for two or three snowstorms in the Sierra over the next week so there will be much more snow on Slide and Mt. Rose within four days or so which will make for fine snow covered mountains in next week's photos.
Darryl Sarno
Well done Gary! All 5!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thanx, Darryl.
ken kemper

Anxiously await your mountain snow pics........
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N710UW bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
13.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Houston Bush Int'ctl () 16:45 CDT 17:33 CDT Planmäßig
13.03.2025 A319Albuquerque Intl Sunport ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 13:15 MDT 15:42 CDT Planmäßig
13.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Albuquerque Intl Sunport () 11:33 CDT 12:05 MDT Planmäßig
13.03.2025 A319Houston Bush Int'ctl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 09:26 CDT 10:23 CDT Planmäßig
13.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Houston Bush Int'ctl () 07:27 CDT 08:26 CDT Planmäßig
12.03.2025 A319Pensacola Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 16:07 CDT 17:53 CDT Planmäßig
12.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Pensacola Intl () 13:20 CDT 14:37 CDT Planmäßig
12.03.2025 A319Albuquerque Intl Sunport ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 10:10 MDT 12:27 CDT Planmäßig
12.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Albuquerque Intl Sunport () 08:34 CDT 08:56 MDT Planmäßig
12.03.2025 A319Northwest Arkansas Ntl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 06:10 CDT 06:56 CDT In der Luft
11.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Northwest Arkansas Ntl () 19:25 CDT 20:09 CDT 0:44
11.03.2025 A319Pensacola Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 16:27 CDT 18:11 CDT 1:44
11.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Pensacola Intl () 13:13 CDT 14:29 CDT 1:16
11.03.2025 A319New Orleans Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 10:22 CDT 11:36 CDT 1:13
11.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()New Orleans Intl () 08:13 CDT 09:15 CDT 1:01
10.03.2025 A319Nashville ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 19:33 CDT 21:06 CDT 1:33
10.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Nashville () 16:46 CDT 18:07 CDT 1:20
10.03.2025 A319Gunnison Regional ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 12:15 MDT 14:44 CDT 1:29
10.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Gunnison Regional () 10:23 CDT 11:10 MDT 1:46
10.03.2025 A319Northwest Florida Beaches Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 06:50 CDT 08:40 CDT 1:49
09.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Northwest Florida Beaches Intl () 19:07 CDT 20:33 CDT 1:25
09.03.2025 A319San Luis Obispo County Rgnl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 12:39 PDT 17:29 CDT 2:49
09.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()San Luis Obispo County Rgnl () 10:14 CDT 11:06 PDT 2:52
09.03.2025 A319Dane Co Rgnl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 06:22 CDT 08:25 CDT 2:02
08.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Dane Co Rgnl () 21:58 CST 23:39 CST 1:41
08.03.2025 A319Cleveland-Hopkins Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 18:55 EST 20:44 CST 2:48
08.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Cleveland-Hopkins Intl () 14:55 CST 17:55 EST 1:59
08.03.2025 A319Colorado Sprgs Muni ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 10:08 MST 12:41 CST 1:32
08.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Colorado Sprgs Muni () 08:47 CST 09:17 MST 1:30
06.03.2025 A319The Eastern Iowa ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 19:38 CST 21:20 CST 1:42
06.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()The Eastern Iowa () 17:09 CST 18:38 CST 1:29
06.03.2025 A319Montrose Rgnl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 12:10 MST 14:39 CST 1:29
06.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Montrose Rgnl () 10:09 CST 11:03 MST 1:53
05.03.2025 A319Xoxocotlan Int'l ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 13:47 CST 16:23 CST 2:36
05.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Xoxocotlan Int'l () 10:19 CST 12:39 CST 2:19
02.03.2025 A319Albuquerque Intl Sunport ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 13:12 MST 15:28 CST 1:16
02.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Albuquerque Intl Sunport () 11:39 CST 12:08 MST 1:28
02.03.2025 A319Meadows Fld ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 05:39 PST 10:08 CST 2:28
01.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Meadows Fld () 19:47 CST 20:48 PST 3:01
01.03.2025 A319Monterey Rgnl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 12:38 PST 17:37 CST 2:58
01.03.2025 A319Dallas/Fort Worth ()Monterey Rgnl () 10:05 CST 11:11 PST 3:06
01.03.2025 A319Lubbock Smith Intl ()Dallas/Fort Worth () 07:37 CST 08:26 CST 0:48
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