8 Stimmen (4.75 Durchschnitt) und 2.989 Ansichten  

NC667K — - NC667K (N667K), a Stearman Model 4E-1 Speedmail Junior being flown by owner Gary Peters, turns toward the Carson City Airports T-Hangar ramp after arriving at KCXP. Peters Speedmail is the oldest Model 4 in existence. It was delivered to the Richfield Oil Company on October 28, 1929, and the livery seen above replicates the scheme the aircraft had in the 1930s. * The company that was known as Richfield Oil in 1929 has evolved, through mergers, corporate acquisitions, etc., into todays Atlantic Richfield Company, better known to everyone as ARCO. *br /br /To read an interesting article of NC667Ks history that was written by previous owner/pilot Sarah Wilson, click on the link below ...br /br /a rel=nofollow href=http://dmairfield.com/airplanes/NC667K/20120402_NC667K_Update1.pdfhttps://dmairfield.com/airplanes/NC667K/20120402_NC667K_Update1.pdf/a
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

NC667K —


NC667K (N667K), a Stearman Model 4E-1 Speedmail Junior being flown by owner Gary Peters, turns toward the Carson City Airport's T-Hangar ramp after arriving at KCXP. Peters' Speedmail is the oldest Model 4 in existence. It was delivered to the Richfield Oil Company on October 28, 1929, and the livery seen above replicates the scheme the aircraft had in the 1930s. * The company that was known as Richfield Oil in 1929 has evolved, through mergers, corporate acquisitions, etc., into today's Atlantic Richfield Company, better known to everyone as ARCO. *

To read an interesting article of NC667K's history that was written by previous owner/pilot Sarah Wilson, click on the link below ...



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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
This Stearman Speedmail was one of five that were together at CXP. Several of them are now in San Diego where they will begin a 100th Year Commemorative Air Mail reenactment trip just two days from today (on May 13, 2018). I've included a link below that gives details, including scheduled stops, about the upcoming event.

Greg Byington
Gary... *F*I*V*E* stars for the superb aircraft photo capture of this Stearman Model 4E-1 Speedmail Junior and another *F*I*V*E* stars again for your exemplary and illuminating history!!! :-)
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thanx, guys. (Wave)
Dave Sheehy
Great shot, Gary! 5*!
Isaac Vogelzang
Great photo of a true classic.
Tom Vance
Fabulous shot Gman! great info.5*****
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