Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N529B)
If you looked back over your right shoulder while you were seated in the Flight Engineer's position on the B-29 Superfortress "FiFi" (N529B), this is the view of the cockpit you would see.
This click is very similar to Rick B.'s excellent photo taken two years ago, so I wasn't going to post it; but I ended up doing so for two reasons: 1) when viewed at FULL size, this pic provides a somewhat closer look at the two pilot positions, and 2) I wanted a cockpit shot of a B-29 in my FA folder. So I posted it anyway (grin).
This was snapped during "FiFi's" recent visit (September, 2016) to Mather in Sacramento.
** To get a crisp view of the controls, especially of that cool "B29" on the steering columns, I recommend clicking on FULL. **
I truly like the "B29" that is displayed on the steering column centerpieces. Super unique! Also, I greatly appreciated the opportunity to get a closeup click of the Norden. Many TYs to the tour guide for that.
Gary, this is a superb "5" star photo of the cockpit of FiFi... and I thank you for sharing it with us!
These shots are difficult to take with the light streaming in. Hats off to you Gary for getting the panels and control yokes details! Well done! 5*
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