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Sikorsky S-38 Replica (N28V) - N28V, a replica of "Osa's Ark," a black and white Tiger striped 1929 Sikorsky S-38B Flying Yacht, is just off Tiger Field's runway 33 (in Fernley, NV) and back in the air to complete the last 35 miles of an Elko-to-Reno trip (KEKO-KRNO) in this photo taken 14 years ago in 2006.
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Sikorsky S-38 Replica (N28V)


N28V, a replica of "Osa's Ark," a black and white Tiger striped 1929 Sikorsky S-38B Flying Yacht, is just off Tiger Field's runway 33 (in Fernley, NV) and back in the air to complete the last 35 miles of an Elko-to-Reno trip (KEKO-KRNO) in this photo taken 14 years ago in 2006.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Snapped this with the first digital camera I ever owned, a Canon Powershot A20, in 2006. In the 14 years since then, I've worn out that little Powershot and two newer model Canon digitals and today I'm clicking pics with three Canon cameras. Looking at this old photo of Osa's Ark, I'm wishing I could get another chance to snap it now using my T6 or T7, but I'll always be grateful that I had the opportunity to get captures of this one-of-a-kind replica of the historic Osa's Ark Sikorsky Flying Yacht.
Gavin Hughes
Ah, the first bold steps into the digital world and for you, a great intro. I'm not familiar with the Canon, but my first was a little Hewlett Packard of some sort and if anything was moving, just about forget it, w-a-y too slow.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Hi, Gavin, and Thanks. I almost did not get this " ... great intro ...." shot. I was being flown around in a WACO biplane and getting my "digital feet" wet taking pics by hanging out the open cockpit. As we were coming back to Tiger Field to land, my camera battery was runnin' out of oooomph and the low-batt icon began blinking. I wanted to take pics from my front seat position pointing toward, over and beyond the prop as we approached runway 33 so I kept the camera on and just hoped the battery had enough pizzazz to let me get the approach and landing. And it did. So I got my shots and I was all happy .... UNTIL .... as we taxied off the runway, this S-38 was on the ramp and getting cranked up to leave. I was astounded to see it at the little podunk airport only 5 miles from my house. And I just knew in my heart that the camera battery was going to give out. But it didn't, and I caught two shots of Osa's Ark as it took off. The battery died just after the second snap of the Ark. I could not believe my great fortune to see and capture pics of this well-known airplane. The very next day, I went out and bought four additional batteries (the A20 took AA type) for my little A20 because I was adamant that never again would I have to worry about a camera battery dying just when I needed it the most. And now whenever I buy a new camera, the purchase isn't complete until I've also bought two more batteries for it. I've got batteries up the wazoo now. And a battery charger for the home AND for the car. ( Big grin)
Gavin Hughes
Thank goodness for DSLRs eh, one battery in and one or two spare or if you're really up there, a battery pack, not lots of little ones, and when your fingers are freezing, or you're in a hurry, a lot easier to change.
John Alford
My fourth digital camera was an HP, possibly a 735. It would be on the third set of batteries by the end of a short flight. My sock drawer museum contains a Kodak C160, a C533, a Canon A1200 and an A1400 unopened in a blister pak.
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