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Fokker 70 (VH-QQW) - Another interesting livery for an Alliance Fokker, This Fokker 70 (VH-QQW) arrived today from Norwich in the U.K after some heavy maintenance. It was returned to Australia flying Norwich - Sofia - Hurghada - Al Ain - Nagpur - Kuala Lumpur - Surabaya - Perth.br /br /br /This Livery is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first flight from England to Australia by an all Australian flight crew with brothers Captain Ross McPherson Smith, Lieutenant Keith McPherson Smith, and engineers Sergeant James Mallett Bennett and Sergeant Walter Shiers. They took off in a Vickers Vimy from Hounslow Heath Aerodrome in England on the 12th of November 1919 and ultimately reaching Darwin on the 10th of December 1919. The actual Vickers Vimy is currently preserved in a special climate controlled museum at Adelaide Airport.
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Fokker 70 (VH-QQW)


Another interesting livery for an Alliance Fokker, This Fokker 70 (VH-QQW) arrived today from Norwich in the U.K after some heavy maintenance. It was returned to Australia flying Norwich - Sofia - Hurghada - Al Ain - Nagpur - Kuala Lumpur - Surabaya - Perth.

This Livery is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first flight from England to Australia by an all Australian flight crew with brothers Captain Ross McPherson Smith, Lieutenant Keith McPherson Smith, and engineers Sergeant James Mallett Bennett and Sergeant Walter Shiers. They took off in a Vickers Vimy from Hounslow Heath Aerodrome in England on the 12th of November 1919 and ultimately reaching Darwin on the 10th of December 1919. The actual Vickers Vimy is currently preserved in a special climate controlled museum at Adelaide Airport.


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mike prendergast
Nice Photo and Info Caleb
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für VH-QQW bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
07.03.2025 F70Mount Isa ()Brisbane () 17:00 AEST 19:10 AEST ausgefallen
07.03.2025 F70Brisbane ()Mount Isa () 13:35 AEST 16:00 AEST ausgefallen
05.03.2025 F70Moranbah ()Brisbane () 19:17 AEST 20:32 AEST 1:14
05.03.2025 F70Brisbane ()Moranbah () 17:11 AEST 18:28 AEST 1:17
05.03.2025 F100Townsville Int'l / RAAF ()Brisbane () 12:06 AEST 13:49 AEST 1:42
05.03.2025 F100Brisbane ()Townsville Int'l / RAAF () 09:26 AEST 11:13 AEST 1:47
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