4 Stimmen (5.00 Durchschnitt) und 4.408 Ansichten  

Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N6453) - Nike Air!  Their 1999 Gulfstream G-V departing Hillsboro, Oregon Rwy 31. The tail number N6453 is significant as it is the last 4 digits of the corporations telephone number at its world campus in Beaverton, Oregon and its headquarters in the Netherlands.  Nike Aircraft are based at KHIO. (N1KE-(Was assigned to the current N6453, now reserved. Could be for the new G650?), N6453-GLF5, N6458-F2TH, N3546-GLF5)   8-29-12
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream V (N6453)


Nike Air! Their 1999 Gulfstream G-V departing Hillsboro, Oregon Rwy 31. The tail number N6453 is significant as it is the last 4 digits of the corporations telephone number at its world campus in Beaverton, Oregon and its headquarters in the Netherlands. Nike Aircraft are based at KHIO. (N1KE-(Was assigned to the current N6453, now reserved. Could be for the new G650?), N6453-GLF5, N6458-F2TH, N3546-GLF5) 8-29-12


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