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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (ET-ANK) - I had recently returned from a trip to Ethiopia and began digging through some old photos from my last trip. I found this share worthy photo from a disastrous period for the Boeing 787. Its the morning rush hour for Ethiopians regional flights. In the background, ETs newly delivered 787s are grounded and have engine covers on them due to the then ongoing Lithium-Ion Battery problems that subsequently made all 787 operators ground their 787 fleet worldwide. ET was the last airline to ground their 787s, and was the first to resume 787 operations.
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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (ET-ANK)


I had recently returned from a trip to Ethiopia and began digging through some old photos from my last trip. I found this share worthy photo from a disastrous period for the Boeing 787. It's the morning rush hour for Ethiopian's regional flights. In the background, ET's newly delivered 787's are grounded and have engine covers on them due to the then ongoing Lithium-Ion Battery problems that subsequently made all 787 operators ground their 787 fleet worldwide. ET was the last airline to ground their 787s, and was the first to resume 787 operations.


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