6 Stimmen (4.83 Durchschnitt) und 4.007 Ansichten  

Lockheed P-2 Neptune —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Lockheed P-2 Neptune —



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Edward McIntoshPhoto Uploader
This is another intersting photo of an early Lockheed P2V Neptune, probably a -5 model. This is on the ramp at NAS Whidbey Island, WA where I was stationed from 1966 to 1968 with VP-2 flying the P2V-7. It looks like this aircraft was recently delivered given the style of clothing the people in this photograph are wearing. BU No. 140977. What makes this a little more interesting, the hanger behind this aircraft once housed the P-3 Orion that the Chinese forced down several years ago, stipped it of all its equipment and have yet to return that aircraft.


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