10 Stimmen (4.90 Durchschnitt) und 7.256 Ansichten  

BOEING 727-200 (N209TR) - Something I have not seen in a LONG time - a flying 727, rare around these parts. And speaking of parts, she was supposed to be here at RDU picking up auto parts - not sure if that was the reason, but I certainly didnt need one, and it was thrilling to be able to see her, hear her, and smell her! The 727 was my favorite as a kid, and still is. This one started off life with American in 1976 and still going strong. At RDU, 1/22/18.
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BOEING 727-200 (N209TR)


Something I have not seen in a LONG time - a flying 727, rare around these parts. And speaking of parts, she was supposed to be here at RDU picking up auto parts - not sure if that was the reason, but I certainly didn't need one, and it was thrilling to be able to see her, hear her, and smell her! The 727 was my favorite as a kid, and still is. This one started off life with American in 1976 and still going strong. At RDU, 1/22/18.


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Gary Schenauer
Outstanding! 5*s doubled = **********!


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