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Airbus A300F4-600 (F-GSTB)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Airbus A300F4-600 (F-GSTB)



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Jonathan Garstin
As someone who just likes looking at aircraft pics, especially the Newsletter ones and older aircraft, this is the first time I have seen a pic of an A300F4-600 in flight or taking off. Always intrigues me as to what shape configurations can fly effectively despite looking as if they create substantial drag, and the power of lift that a wing's slight curve generates from the pressure differential above and below the wing.
Like the picture. I feel like I have some kind of a growth on my head....I want to remove that top part looks or make that cabin window different design.
serge LOTH
Jonathan Garstin, , each time I made one landed, I had the same feelings. Previously also for Guppy and Super Guppy..It seems somebody blows in the fuselage..!!
Matha Goram
Would love to see a chart of the wind tunnel tests on this whale.
would not call it ugly......but really ugly...& interesting
Timothy Foley
@Trennor Turcotte, I believe they use them to haul fuselage swgments and other components to the destination where A380's are finally assembled.
Bill Gardner
They actually use them alot to transport their airbus parts and fuselages to the other factories, just google it and ya will see some amazing photos.
Airbus is made in Germany, France, Spain and United Kingdom.
So they transport each part to the next factory.
Great Pic and Thanx to Danny for sharing.
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
28.02.2025 A3STToulouse-Blagnac ()Bordeaux () 10:50 CET 11:23 CET 0:33
26.02.2025 A3STSaint-Nazaire Montoir ()Toulouse-Blagnac () 12:12 CET 13:03 CET 0:50
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