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Lockheed P-38 Lightning (N25Y)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Lockheed P-38 Lightning (N25Y)



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Gary Schenauer
Absolutely awesome pics, Danny (both this one and the other propliner shot). Wonderful photography. I'll fill in all 5 *s, but they are easily waaaay better than fives -- tens for sure. ***** *****!
Lewis Tripp
Alan Brown
Have to agree that his deserves 10s rather than 5s.
Greg Byington
Danny KahraPhoto Uploader
Thank you guys I'm happy about your feedbacks.
serge LOTH
Dan!! yoy have the skill of good pictures!! congr!
Andrea Gentilini
One of my favourite warbirds.
Great shot !!
Greg Zelna
Great shot of a great plane........
Alan Hume
Magnificent! It really demonstrates the counter-rotating props of the P-38 and the very narrow central body. A truly "thinking outside the box" design!
Ken Hardy
A beauty for sure, they don't them like that now, props and pistons are real airplanes
Michael Rogers
How tiny did the pilots have to be to fly this bird.. ?? Great Photo.. Love the old warbirds.
Steve Hailey
john cook
Kelly Johnson's First Homerun!
The best aviation designer ever!
I sure miss Whitelighten13 and Lefty at Reno.
But she's still flying.
Kazuyuki Taniguchi
Thank you fantastic photo any time. ARIGATOU!
ken kemper
Beautiful Capture & Perspective of one of my favorite aircraft.
Roy Aultman
Saw N25Y several years ago at NAS Pensacola when Red Bull bought her. They flew her there to barge her to Germany was the unverified story.
This after Lefty Gardner put her down in a field in the Mississippi Delta due to an engine fire, then sold her.
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