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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N5017N) - "Aluminum Overcast" smocks her landing at Ankeny Regional Airport with passengers on board. This aircraft is on a nation-wide tour offering people the opertunity to ride in this beauty. When this aircraft came to my area, I jumped on the opportunity to photograph it. Photo taken Sunday, June 23, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 220mm.
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N5017N)


"Aluminum Overcast" smocks her landing at Ankeny Regional Airport with passengers on board. This aircraft is on a nation-wide tour offering people the opertunity to ride in this beauty. When this aircraft came to my area, I jumped on the opportunity to photograph it. Photo taken Sunday, June 23, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 220mm.


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Gary Schenauer
***** + **. Bravos and a tip of my USSPS cap. Calendar Q here. Excellent pic, Dwight. Will e/m. (Wave)
Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Thank you veery much, Gary!
jesse kyzer
1944 BOEING B-17G Flying Fortresses
Rockwell Lancer?
Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Jesse, this B17 is "Aluminum Overcast". As this is a starboard side shot the name of the aircraft is not shown on this side.
jesse kyzer
photo caption lists it as a Lancer. Hence ??
Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Thank you for noticing the incorrect aircraft type. That is Flightaware algorithm doing it's thing and misidentifying aircraft.
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