Great shot Andrew!
Very nice
Looks like they are going for the third wire!
I've flown into SAN many times; I can't figure this picture out at all? Where is the photo vantage point; where's the rest of the runway? (I know I'll feel dumb when you tell me!)
A long lens, making the runway appear much shorter, looking along 27. If Google Earth is anything to go by, there is a ~5 storey building with a carpark on the roof. That's the building in the shot, obscuring the runway short of the displaced threshold. There's a rooftop on the other side of the freeway that looks like it's about the right spot. But I'm only guessing...
Might even be from the Air & Space Museum, up on the hill, if there is line of sight. Can almost re-create the shot in GE from there.
Great shot
Optical illusion looking like short runway
Optical illusion looking like short runway
Mike - I think you're correct; but what's throwing me off is that the runway markings don't at all match the current GE?
At 200 ft wide, SAN has a relatively wide runway (many are only 150 ft). It also pretty short for an int'l airport, all that you can see in this photo is a little over 8000 ft of runway length, since you can't see the displaced threshold. All of this creates the illusion of a much shorter runway, you notice it flying in there as well.
Pilot of this airplane is a friend of mine. He flew the F-15 jet fighter in the U.S. Air Force before joining Delta Airlines. His father flew the C-47 (DC3) in Indonesia during World War II with the Dutch Army. All of us are Dutchmen including me.
Peter Maas - this just might be of interest to You and your Delta pilot friend... and it's where the Dutch aviation cadets trained in the U.S.A. during WWII...
More can be seen here...
I once knew a gentleman who during those wartime years was an USAAF instructor pilot to the Dutch aviation cadets at the Royal Netherlands Military Flying School located at Hawkins Field.
More can be seen here...
I once knew a gentleman who during those wartime years was an USAAF instructor pilot to the Dutch aviation cadets at the Royal Netherlands Military Flying School located at Hawkins Field.
A pilot please, is KSAN a particularly difficult airport to land?
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