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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-1536)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-1536)



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Neil Morrison
J Model + what is the empennage on the port side behind the access door.
stephen mooney
maff 3 fire fighting system,check up with aircraft reg
Charles OBrien
Spent much of my adult life watching the Wyoming Air National Guard flying these out of Cheyenne. Great fire fighting platforms.
Great to see my hometown birds in action.
ken kemper
Awesome Capture Tim to see firefighting efforts in the process.

Super Shot.
William Owens
You can serve a full compliment Chinese buffet in the cockpit area of this beast…
William Garrison
Neil: This aircraft was built new for the Wyoming Air Guard in 1993 as a C130 H3. Looks like it had some upgrades to its power plants. The MAFFS dissemination nozzle is mounted in the left paratroop door.
That aircraft is an H-model C-130 with a Collins NP2000 propeller system upgrade. The Wyoming guard were the first USAF operators to install this improved system on their aircraft.
One of my favorites, an awesome plane that I hope keeps going for decades!
a mentor
ps; for those who haven't heard -- the 23 August 1954 design of the C-130 has been modified and revise so that it is STILL in production today. No aircraft can dupicate all the capabilities of the Hercules.
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