46 Stimmen (4.70 Durchschnitt) und 9.239 Ansichten  

/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll




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Very cool looking livery !
Tom Heaverlo
Those colors really stand out against that dark sky! Great photo!
Dwight Hartje
Yet another amazing shot of Air Baltic's new Lithuanian Flag livery!
Andre Blanchard
Amazing photo
Like the design,very nice.
on the plane i read airbus A220-300 ?? but it is a BCS3
who is confused ?? apparantly my self .. reading at Wiki ..
Viv Pike
Frederik - nothing to be confused about. The Airbus A220-300 was previously known as the Bombardier CSeries CS300. It therefore has the ICAO code of BCS3 (Bombardier C-Series 300) even though it is now called the Airbus A220-300. Airbus bought the line from Bombardier.
Nat Sam
Nice livery, but customer service not great on Baltic Air. My bag didn't arrive (well, OK), but then they don't deliver bags after 5pm on Fri (the bag arrived on next flight at 10pm), they don't have messengers on weekends, and the messenger was on vacation the next Mon. My tour guide had to convince one of the folks that worked in their lost baggage dept to bring the bag home with him, then hand it off to our bus driver who happened to live in the same town (Klaipėda) as the worker. The bus driver then picked us up that Tues morning, and my bag was loaded below. Short of this miracle, I would have gone the entire time in Lithuania without baggage.
serge LOTH
@natsam....I m not sure that this is the only airline... you can have surprise everywhere in the world..
W Peter Landry
That's a work of industrial art. The proportions, the colors, great work. From the designers and builders of the airframe, to the designers and painters of the livery, to the photographer who captured it's colorful glow, Bravo!
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
30.01.2025 BCS3Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg ()Riga () 09:02 CET 11:20 EET 1:18
30.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg () 07:18 EET 07:45 CET 1:27
29.01.2025 BCS3Stockholm-Arlanda ()Riga () 20:32 CET 22:22 EET 0:50
29.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Stockholm-Arlanda () 19:48 EET 19:37 CET 0:48
29.01.2025 BCS3Paris-Charles de Gaulle ()Riga () 09:58 CET 13:15 EET 2:17
29.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Paris-Charles de Gaulle () 07:11 EET 08:45 CET 2:33
28.01.2025 BCS3Kopenhagen-Kastrup ()Riga () 20:01 CET 22:02 EET 1:00
28.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Kopenhagen-Kastrup () 18:52 EET 19:01 CET 1:09
28.01.2025 BCS3Paris-Charles de Gaulle ()Riga () 10:13 CET 13:22 EET 2:09
28.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Paris-Charles de Gaulle () 07:22 EET 09:02 CET 2:39
27.01.2025 BCS3Brüssel-Zaventem ()Riga () 19:33 CET 22:26 EET 1:53
27.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Brüssel-Zaventem () 17:10 EET 18:34 CET 2:23
27.01.2025 BCS3Wien ()Riga () 09:15 CET 11:55 EET 1:40
27.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Wien () 07:34 EET 08:19 CET 1:45
27.01.2025 BCS3Turku ()Riga () 05:28 EET 06:15 EET 0:47
26.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Turku () 23:47 EET 00:28 EET (+1) 0:40
26.01.2025 BCS3Schiphol ()Riga () 19:31 CET 22:28 EET 1:57
26.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Schiphol () 17:10 EET 18:15 CET 2:05
25.01.2025 BCS3Hurghada ()Riga () 17:29 EET 22:33 EET 5:04
25.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Hurghada () 11:36 EET 16:07 EET 4:30
24.01.2025 BCS3Schiphol ()Riga () 19:44 CET 22:33 EET 1:48
24.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Schiphol () 17:21 EET 18:32 CET 2:10
24.01.2025 BCS3Tampere-Pirkkala ()Riga () 14:56 EET 15:47 EET 0:51
24.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Tampere-Pirkkala () 13:18 EET 14:10 EET 0:51
24.01.2025 BCS3Tallinn-Lennart Meri ()Riga () 08:58 EET 09:31 EET 0:33
24.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Tallinn-Lennart Meri () 07:25 EET 08:01 EET 0:36
21.01.2025 BCS3London Gatwick ()Riga () 09:59 GMT 14:11 EET 2:11
21.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()London Gatwick () 08:13 EET 08:48 GMT 2:35
20.01.2025 BCS3Schiphol ()Riga () 19:28 CET 22:25 EET 1:57
20.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Schiphol () 17:16 EET 18:16 CET 1:59
20.01.2025 BCS3Schiphol ()Riga () 10:32 CET 13:21 EET 1:48
20.01.2025 BCS3Riga ()Schiphol () 07:48 EET 08:46 CET 1:57
20.01.2025 BCS3Tallinn-Lennart Meri ()Riga () 05:45 EET 06:19 EET 0:33
19.01.2025 BCS3Gran Canaria ()Tallinn-Lennart Meri () 16:00 WET 23:54 EET 5:54
19.01.2025 BCS3Oslo-Gardermoen ()Gran Canaria () 10:08 CET 14:39 WET 5:31
19.01.2025 BCS3Tallinn-Lennart Meri ()Oslo-Gardermoen () 08:41 EET 08:57 CET 1:15
18.01.2025 BCS3Nahe HurghadaTallinn-Lennart Meri () 18:08 EET 23:48 EET 5:39
18.01.2025 BCS3Tallinn-Lennart Meri ()Nahe Hurghada 11:48 EET Last seen 16:24 EET 4:36
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