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Boeing 737-700 (N727SW) - Shown departing 23-R on 08-25-20
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 737-700 (N727SW)


Shown departing 23-R on 08-25-20


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Gavin Hughes
Neat shots John.
Jim Kouns
Am I wrong or are the flaps not out? Could explain the low altitude and the high angle of attack
I see flaps extended, either at the 1 or 5 setting, hard to tell as I'm not a 737 driver.
Jim Kouns
Does the altitude concern you? They obviously are out of runway and about 40 feet.
Jack Jouett
@Jim K - How can you tell that they are almost out of runway? And they might be higher than 40ft, the main gear has started to retract.
Jim Kouns
Hi Jim and Jack. I will have to plead ignorance. I was basing the altitude on the visual clues in the background. Do either of you know what the 3 poles are? The power lines in the background may be deceptive as well. I am used to seeing more flap on take off. I will be more careful in the future
Jack Jouett
Hey Jim K, I am not sure what those 3 poles are, I'm not familiar with IND, never been to that airport. My guess would be lights for the cargo area/random apron, purely a guess. The submitter might know,though!

Great shot John, that's harder than it looks. Respect :)
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