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BOEING 777-300 (G-STBJ) - G-STBJ seen on final to LAXs 25L and the other aircraft, just above the right wing,  is another "trip 7" on final to 24R on the North side of the field.
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BOEING 777-300 (G-STBJ)


G-STBJ seen on final to LAX's 25L and the other aircraft, just above the right wing, is another "trip 7" on final to 24R on the North side of the field.


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Gary Schenauer
Absolutely SUPERB!!!
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Thank you Gary. This was actually a new spot that I was able to find at LAX, it's super close to the runway and has a great view of the arrivals to 25L. The only drawback however, is that the fence they put in has holes that are way to small to fit the lens of the camera through so all photos have to be taken before the aircraft descends below the fence, otherwise I would have been able to get closeup touchdown shots with the tire smoke as well as the departures from 25R (I saw the American PSA special livery taking off but there was absolutely nothing I could do except watch it because of the fence). But, I still can't complain anytime I am able to get this close:)
Dwight Hartje
Excellent shot,Mark of the two 773s Also notice the second 773 is a new livery EVA Air.
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Thank you for the comment Dwight. I did notice it was EVA Air, but didn't look close enough to realize it was the new paint lol, thanks for pointing it out:)
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
07.03.2025 B77WKapstadt ()London Heathrow () 21:05 SAST 06:50 GMT (+1) Planmäßig
06.03.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()Kapstadt () 18:48 GMT 07:37 SAST (+1) In der Luft
05.03.2025 B77WSan Francisco ()London Heathrow () 21:15 PST 14:48 GMT (+1) 9:32
05.03.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()San Francisco () 15:39 GMT 17:53 PST 10:14
04.03.2025 B77WLos Angeles ()London Heathrow () 15:49 PST 09:25 GMT (+1) 9:35
04.03.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()Los Angeles () 10:27 GMT 13:09 PST 10:41
03.03.2025 B77WOR Tambo Int'l ()London Heathrow () 21:32 SAST 06:32 GMT (+1) 10:59
02.03.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()OR Tambo Int'l () 19:11 GMT 07:17 SAST (+1) 10:06
01.03.2025 B77WSan Francisco ()London Heathrow () 21:03 PST 14:41 GMT (+1) 9:37
01.03.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()San Francisco () 16:13 GMT 18:29 PST 10:15
28.02.2025 B77WLos Angeles ()London Heathrow () 17:57 PST 11:49 GMT (+1) 9:52
28.02.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()Los Angeles () 12:49 GMT 14:54 PST 10:04
27.02.2025 B77WJohn F. Kennedy Int'l ()London Heathrow () 19:32 EST 06:45 GMT (+1) 6:12
27.02.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()John F. Kennedy Int'l () 08:57 GMT 11:29 EST 7:32
27.02.2025 B77WRiad ()London Heathrow () 01:08 +03 05:00 GMT 6:52
26.02.2025 B77WLondon Heathrow ()Riad () 14:11 GMT 22:47 +03 5:35
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