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Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe (N163AC) - Came in for a fuel stop and took 1,000 gallons.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe (N163AC)


Came in for a fuel stop and took 1,000 gallons.


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Robert Cowling
I got to talk to a flight crew for one of these. They were placing A/C units on top of a massive warehouse complex. The winds hadn't been very cooperative for them on a couple of days they were there. They all had thick southern drawls, and said they got paid whether they flew or not, which made sense. They also did water drops for wildfires. They had a lot of stories to tell. One of them worked for a tower erector company prior to this job, and was talking about the amazing heights the erectors climbed to in order to meet the equipment being raised by the helicopters.

Funny, one guy said he thought the climbers were crazy, and felt totally safe in the helicopter, even with all that weight swinging/dangling below. Yeah, no kidding. It takes some tower climbers 45 minutes to clinb to the top I've read. Yikes.

Great job though. They are usually all GPS equipped, and hold their position well.

Great picture! Brings back memories...
Gavin Hughes
And how many thousands can be grateful for Erickson developing the fire bombing conversion?
N159AC just got torched in Chile.
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N163AC bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
04.02.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 18:56 AEDT 18:56 AEDT 0:00
04.02.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 12:24 AEDT 13:09 AEDT 0:44
03.02.2025 UnknownNahe Colac, VictoriaMoorabbin () 18:42 AEDT 19:39 AEDT 0:57
03.02.2025 UnknownNahe Colac, VictoriaNahe Colac, Victoria First seen 12:10 AEDT Last seen 13:46 AEDT 1:35
03.02.2025 UnknownApollo Bay ()Nahe Colac, Victoria 11:02 AEDT Last seen 11:14 AEDT 0:12
03.02.2025 UnknownApollo Bay ()Apollo Bay () 10:56 AEDT 11:01 AEDT 0:04
03.02.2025 UnknownApollo Bay ()Apollo Bay () 10:49 AEDT 10:54 AEDT 0:05
03.02.2025 UnknownApollo Bay ()Apollo Bay () 10:43 AEDT 10:48 AEDT 0:05
03.02.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Apollo Bay () 09:15 AEDT 10:42 AEDT 1:27
02.02.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 14:44 AEDT 14:56 AEDT 0:12
02.02.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 09:48 AEDT 09:55 AEDT 0:06
27.01.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 17:36 AEDT 17:51 AEDT 0:15
24.01.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 16:54 AEDT 17:08 AEDT 0:13
24.01.2025 UnknownMoorabbin ()Moorabbin () 16:45 AEDT 16:51 AEDT 0:05
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