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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N529B) - One of only two airworthy Boeing B-29 Superfortress in the world. FIFI was built in 1945 as serial number 44-62070 and delivered to the USAAF. It was converted to a trainer variant known as the TB-29. This aircraft would be retired to NAWS China Lake in 1958 and doomed to a life as a gunnery target. Thankfully in 1971 it was rescued by the formally known as Confederate Air Force. Amazingly in just 9 weeks they made the aircraft airworthy and were given a permit to make a single flight to their headquarters in Texas before being grounded once again. FIFI since then has enjoyed a decades long career traveling around the country appearing at airshows along with offering tours and rides.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N529B)


One of only two airworthy Boeing B-29 Superfortress in the world. FIFI was built in 1945 as serial number 44-62070 and delivered to the USAAF. It was converted to a trainer variant known as the TB-29. This aircraft would be retired to NAWS China Lake in 1958 and doomed to a life as a gunnery target. Thankfully in 1971 it was rescued by the formally known as Confederate Air Force. Amazingly in just 9 weeks they made the aircraft airworthy and were given a permit to make a single flight to their headquarters in Texas before being grounded once again. FIFI since then has enjoyed a decades long career traveling around the country appearing at airshows along with offering tours and rides.


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