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Canadair CL-201 Starfighter (AFG791) - OOPS!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Canadair CL-201 Starfighter (AFG791)




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Tia BeetlePhoto Uploader
Model: F-104A "Starfighter"
Serial: s/n 56-0791 FG-791
Joe Baugher's published information relates the following regarding this USAF F-104A, 56-0791...

"791 (83rd FIS * Vocifrous Viking *) one of 12 F-104s temporarily deployed to Taiwan during the 1958 Quemoy Crisis. (flown dis-assembled in C-124 Globemasters) Operation "Jonah Able" (returned to USA in 1959). To MASDC as FB004 Dec 4, 1967. To Royal Jordanian AF as 919 in 1969. Now at Alexandria, LA, Rayford Ent."
Click on the link below for a National Museum of the U.S. Air Force photo showing this same F-104A Starfighter, s/n 56-0791, of the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, while deployed to Taiwan during the 1958 Quemoy Crisis...

Tia BeetlePhoto Uploader
Cool, thanks Cliff
You are very welcome, Tia!

If your photo was taken between circa 1958 and 1960, showing the mishap that 56-0791 suffered at McClellan AFB, this F-104A would have been stationed at Hamilton AFB in California's Marin County and assigned to the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the 78th Fighter Wing (Air Defense). The 83rd FIS was the first operational squadron in the Air Defense Command to fly the F-104A.
Richard Yates
Is that a flight test pitot tube on the nose? That thing is strong enough to hold the belly off the ground. It doesn't even look bent. Probably out of calibration though.
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