38 Stimmen (4.58 Durchschnitt) und 10.298 Ansichten  

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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

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Joseph CilibertiPhoto Uploader
Blue Angel 5 in a characteristic spectacular take-off at the start of the Blue Angels' display at Fort Worth JRB, TX during the Air Power Expo 2016.
Bob Haggard
Saw and heard a jet fighter take off from the Orlando International Airport. Plane did the same thing as in the picture. Off the ground and straight up. What a sight to see and loud, real loud. One of those thing you hear and see and never forget.
Jim Metzger
The best flying demonstration squadron in the world!
Daniel Purdo
Waiting for the Blue Angels to show at the 2016 Traverse City, Michigan Cherry Festival.
Philip Terpstra
Excellent shot.
John Anderson
A good pilot with a good flying machine ...


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