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Lockheed L-188 Electra (VH-RMC) - Adelaide, South Australia, June 23, 1983. Ansett Freight Electra rolling on runway 23 on a daylight flight with prop tip vortices forming in the damp air.
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Lockheed L-188 Electra (VH-RMC)


Adelaide, South Australia, June 23, 1983. Ansett Freight Electra rolling on runway 23 on a daylight flight with prop tip vortices forming in the damp air.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Normally, cargo flights were overnight and as has been discussed on earlier posted photos, the aircraft were nicknamed Wombats due to their mainly nocturnal services and were decorated with a wombat image below the cockpit windows. For those who don’t know, a Wombat is an Australian marsupial, usually active at night.
mike prendergast
Another nice memory Gavin!
Darryl Sarno
Great memory Gavin! Thank you for sharing!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Mike and Darryl.
steve steve
Omg,,,,,,I love it ....
They carried a lot of race horses. They had limited seating (including with 3 windows) in the forward cabin for the horse's handlers.
Tom Vance
Classic - I've never seen a photo of an Electra in Ansett colors,,,5x!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Steve, Chris and Tom - thanks for the comments.

Thanks for that info Chris. I never heard about that 'cargo'.
Cheers Gavin! I'm sure it was a lucrative trade for the company.
Alexandro Dias
Linda foto
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Obrigado Alexandro
ken kemper
A great classic.

I have a co-worker who was based at Whidbey Island Washington US Navy.
P-3 Orion Duty in the early 2000's.

Lots of sonabuoys dropped.
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02.03.2025 UnknownBusselton Regional ()Nahe Ravensthorpe, Western Australia 13:38 AWST Last seen 14:53 AWST 1:14
27.02.2025 UnknownBusselton Regional ()Busselton Regional () 12:24 AWST 13:11 AWST 0:47
27.02.2025 P32RJandakot ()Busselton Regional () 10:23 AWST 11:19 AWST 0:56
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