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BOEING 747-300 (VR-HON) - Melbourne Tullamarine. Cathay Pacific flight landing on Rw 34, December 31, 1989.
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BOEING 747-300 (VR-HON)


Melbourne Tullamarine. Cathay Pacific flight landing on Rw 34, December 31, 1989.


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Darryl Sarno
Great shot and history Gavin! 5 *'s!
Sandi Jones
Another great one Gavin. Rest assured that I still wish for more of these!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Sandi, Iwalani - thank you all for your compliments.
ken kemper
What a beautiful 747 & great pic.

Thought of you Gavin....just saw a Qantas 747-800 bank beautifully over Appleton at 16800 ft.
A flight from Anchorage AK Chicago Ohare. Must be a charter I am guessing. Came over a bit low for Chicago traffic and a beautiful sight. Love the blue paint job.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the compliment Ken.

I'd reckon it wasn't a Qantas 748 because they never went past the 744. In any event, any Qantas heavy would be a charter, but again, I don't think they've put any in the air and some are asking why not, if only to bring Australians home that are stranded overseas.

They are going to fly a 787 shortly - 7 hour sightseeing flight SYD-SYD over about a quarter of the country. All tickets sold in 10 minutes according to reports at $4000 each. Plane won't be full due to social distancing rules of course.
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