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Douglas DC-3 (VH-NVZ) - Mangalore, Victoria, March 30, 1986.br /br /Douglas C-47B-30-DK, Constructor’s no 16135/32883. Still listed with the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm Historic Flight, it was withdrawn from use in January 2015.
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Douglas DC-3 (VH-NVZ)


Mangalore, Victoria, March 30, 1986.

Douglas C-47B-30-DK, Constructor’s no 16135/32883. Still listed with the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm Historic Flight, it was withdrawn from use in January 2015.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Mangalore’s a small town about 103 km / 64 miles north of Melbourne and was the site of a RAAF base.

The RAAF is long gone from there and the airport can handle big jets in case Tullamarine isn’t available.

Back in the 80s (at least), the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia used to have a fly-in over the Easter weekend and thanks to TAA in ‘85, and Ansett in ‘86, you could get there and back on the same day direct from a couple of cities, Adelaide being one.
Gary Schenauer
TREMENDOUS photo!! Instantly installed as my newest c wallpaper AND I've saved this into my "Gavin's Greatest Fotos" folder. My most sincere Thanx for sharing this with us.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Gary. (My own folder!)
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Richard. Yep, more will come.
jesse kyzer
Some history at: http://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=59589
GREAT looking A/C, NICE pic!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Jesse.
Tom Vance
As Gman states to Oz Gman, wow superb is correct,! love the people in the car area in the background! 5x
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Tom - they're the ones who don't pay to go in!
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