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Boeing 707-300 (ZS-SAE) - Sydney, New South Wales, 1972.
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Boeing 707-300 (ZS-SAE)


Sydney, New South Wales, 1972.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Some Instamatic pics were worse than others and this is made worse by being heavily cropped, but this is the only South African Airways aircraft that I have a photo of. Also notice the other gems in the background too.
The Air New Zealand L188 Electra (beyond the SAA B707) was most likely about to do the three and a half hour run back across the Tasman Sea to Wellington. The shortness of the runway at WLG in the early '70s meant that it was not suitable for their (50 series) DC8's. A couple of semi retired/standby DC3's parked out on the grass on the eastern side of runway 16/34.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks for additional info Chris. Have to say I knew nothing about flights in or out of Sydney at the time, just happy to be there and get what I could.
Darryl Sarno
Thank you for sharing this history Gavin! The L188 Electra in back gives an even more historical perspective! Thank you for sharing!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
You're welcome Darryl. As always, glad folks like 'em.
Another epic piece of history. Awesome !
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you John.
Gary Schenauer
Five for the 707; five for the Electra. A helluva wonderful pic!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Gary.
sal derosa
A time when flying was done by man and not a computer!!
“Raging Beauties!!”

I can see that 3”x5” snapshot! It may have had scrolled edges too.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Cheers bayou. Was cropped out of a square 1" x 1" Instamatic slide.
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