4 Stimmen (3.00 Durchschnitt) und 929 Ansichten  

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (UNKNOWN) - When we arrived at the airport we notice that there was this HUGE Gray Turboprop parked up at probably the ramp, and after we left the Observation Area (We are now EAA Members, PLANESPOTTING AT DEH DECK BABY!!!!) we went up to go to the Ramp dude, and you guess it! To go see the C-130, I Mean i got a couple more shots and even a video showing the aircraft, but i mean i dont want to spam photos on the same type of encounter! This was actually the same area that we saw the B732 VP-CDA from, accept VP-CDA was parked next to the Saab 340, while the C-130 however was parked rear by the left side of said Saab 340. Unfortunately the C-130 was also parked on the side of the SUN!!, so i had to force my little camera to take in extremely more light then it normally gets, it was still a good picture.br /have a good day everybody! please make sure to comment and vote because it is my Inspiration!br /see you later, peace!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (UNKNOWN)


When we arrived at the airport we notice that there was this HUGE Gray Turboprop parked up at probably the ramp, and after we left the Observation Area (We are now EAA Members, PLANESPOTTING AT DEH DECK BABY!!!!) we went up to go to the Ramp dude, and you guess it! To go see the C-130, I Mean i got a couple more shots and even a video showing the aircraft, but i mean i dont want to spam photos on the same type of encounter! This was actually the same area that we saw the B732 VP-CDA from, accept VP-CDA was parked next to the Saab 340, while the C-130 however was parked rear by the left side of said Saab 340. Unfortunately the C-130 was also parked on the side of the SUN!!, so i had to force my little camera to take in extremely more light then it normally gets, it was still a good picture.
have a good day everybody! please make sure to comment and vote because it is my Inspiration!
see you later, peace!


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