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F+W EMMEN Vampire (N23105) - "Vampy Too" - a 1959 model De Havilland DH-115 Vampire on a fly-by during the 2023 North Alabama Airfest at Pryor Field Regional Airport, Decatur, AL - June 10, 2023.
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F+W EMMEN Vampire (N23105)


"Vampy Too" - a 1959 model De Havilland DH-115 Vampire on a fly-by during the 2023 North Alabama Airfest at Pryor Field Regional Airport, Decatur, AL - June 10, 2023.


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John moffitt
Nice shot.
I used to watch these frequently at the local RAF station when I was a kid.
Thanks for the memories
Roger LEE
These were flown by No. 614 Squadron of the RAF from LLANDOW in S.WALES in the early 1950`s until they were disbanded with all the part-time Squadrons in 1956 The CO of the Squadron however flew a Gloster Meteor Mk 7 .Subsequently all these Aircraft flown by the part timers were scrapped at RAF St. ATHAN nearby . They had similar problems to Two Stroke Motorcycles if you flooded them , they wouldn`t start . They tipped them up so the excess fuel ran out , so the story goes .
Keith Brown
@Roger LEE: Funny, I used to ride a Yamaha RD-400 in the Philippines, never had a problem with flooding, but the plugs would foul like crazy! I took my (then) girlfriend on a two hour trip to Baguio City up in the mountains and we had to stop at least twice so I could pull them and clean them or it wouldn't have enough power to climb the grade. Oh to be that young and dumb again...
a mentor
Initially designated DH99 , later as The first production DH Vampire (F.1)
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