3 Stimmen (4.50 Durchschnitt) und 1.090 Ansichten  

McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N417NV) - The final time an Allegiant MD-80 will ever land at GSP. The end of the mad dog era for Allegiant. The MD-80 has not been sent to GSP for about 6 months and just a few short days before the fleet is retired, N417NV made one last trip to the palmetto state. GSP was Allegiants first SC destination started back in 2006 with four weekly flights to Orlando Sanford. Twelve years later we got one final visit by the MD-80. Very fitting end to this airplane and airport!
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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N417NV)


The final time an Allegiant MD-80 will ever land at GSP. The end of the mad dog era for Allegiant. The MD-80 has not been sent to GSP for about 6 months and just a few short days before the fleet is retired, N417NV made one last trip to the palmetto state. GSP was Allegiants first SC destination started back in 2006 with four weekly flights to Orlando Sanford. Twelve years later we got one final visit by the MD-80. Very fitting end to this airplane and airport!


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Garrett Heller
Long live the Mad Dog! Great mind think alike, I just shared my shot of an Allegiant MD-82 in honor of today being the last day of revenue service. 5 stars, great shot
Philip BradshawPhoto Uploader
Thank you! Got to pay tribute to such a great plane!
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