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NX379AK — - Grumman F7F Tigercat aerobatics performed by Stew Dawson.
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NX379AK —


Grumman F7F Tigercat aerobatics performed by Stew Dawson.


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Paul Wisgerhof
F7F-3 Tigercat built by Grumman in 1945.
Yvon Dionne
Beautiful capture. This plane is on my bucket list to photograph.
pat prendergast
Great Photo what was this aircraft's purpose?
Mark Harris
Pat Prendergast - heavy fighter aircraft with ground attack capability.
Joseph Immermann
Pat - purpose of this aircraft is to look and sound AWESOME!! Seriously, Mark Harris has the answer you are looking for. Tigercat came out at the very end of WWII - sort of a twin version of the Bearcat, which came out not long before it. If I'm not incorrect I believe both the Bearcat and the Tigercat were just a touch too late to see combat in the Pacific theater. I think they had formed and activated at least one squadron of Bearcats by August of 1945 but I'm pretty sure they did not see combat. Tigercats saw some combat in Korea but I'm not sure about Bearcats...
bob reeves
P&W R2800 Engines. Very awesome aircraft!
a mentor
The F8F was board ship bound for the Pacific theater when the war was declared over. The first combat for the F8F Bearcat was during the French Indochina War (1946–1954) when nearly 200 Bearcats were delivered to the French forces in 1951.
Thomas O’Brien
Neither this aircraft nor the F8 saw combat in WWII. Great products from the Grumman Iron Works. An uncle of mine flew the F8 and said it was a really hot aircraft.
jesse kyzer
Some history at: http://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=14261

.....GREAT looking A/C, NICE pic!
ken kemper
Fantastic Photo Mark !!
a mentor
btw: NX379AK can be seen anytime a KCNO, Chino; Planes of Fame Museum
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