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Grumman G-51 Tigercat (N909TC) - 26 Aug 18, at Warbird Roundup at Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa, IDbr /br /Info from Joe Baugher:br /br /Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat 80425 (MSN C.167) delivered to US Navy Jun 10, 1945. Stored at NAS Litchfield Park, Arizona Mar 1954. SOC Feb 1956. to civil registry as N7235C c 1959 and converted into a fire bomber. Equipment removed by Sep 1983. Reported 1982 with Military Aircraft Restoration Group, Chino, CA. To Fighter Collection at Duxford, UK as G-RUMT, cancelled Jun 29, 2007. Registered N909TC Jul 10, 2007 to Avstar Inc, Seattle, Washington Jul 20, 2007. Current.
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Grumman G-51 Tigercat (N909TC)


26 Aug 18, at Warbird Roundup at Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa, ID

Info from Joe Baugher:

Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat 80425 (MSN C.167) delivered to US Navy Jun 10, 1945. Stored at NAS Litchfield Park, Arizona Mar 1954. SOC Feb 1956. to civil registry as N7235C c 1959 and converted into a fire bomber. Equipment removed by Sep 1983. Reported 1982 with Military Aircraft Restoration Group, Chino, CA. To Fighter Collection at Duxford, UK as G-RUMT, cancelled Jun 29, 2007. Registered N909TC Jul 10, 2007 to Avstar Inc, Seattle, Washington Jul 20, 2007. Current.


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
I had never seen a Tigercat in the air. And I want to tell you that it is VERY COOL! For more info on Tigercats try this site:
Uwe Zinke
sehr schön!!
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Thanks, Uwe! While the weather was nice that day, it was overcast and very hazy/smoky. So, I didn't get a nice blue sky. But I was near the end of the runway and when this thing came screaming over at about a hundred feet (or so) it was VERY impressive! Even better than a P-51! Anyway, if you ever get a chance to see one, don't pass it up!
Tom Vance
Have you sent this into Air Classics?..or related magazines?........frick! so cool! A+ x 5
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Yeah, I don't know, Tom. I know some Tigercats were converted to fire bombers, but I don't know if this was one of them. I'll try to do some more research, and see if I can find out. Thanks!
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