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VULTEE Valiant (4242353) - At Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson, AZ, 21 Apr 18.  More info from PASM webiste:br /br /Manufacturer: VULTEEbr /Markings: U.S. Army Air Forces, 1941br /Designation: BT-13Abr /Serial Number: 42-42353br /br /VULTEE BT-13A VALIANTbr /br /Virtually every potential pilot trained by the Army Air Force in World War II did their Basic Flight course in a BT-13. The BT-13 was an excellent trainer for new pilots since it had very docile handling characteristics. One feature of the aircraft that was not appreciated led to its unflattering nickname "Vibrator." In high speed flight the canopy rattled in a disconcerting manner that tended to distract new pilots. The first BT-13s entered Army service in 1939 and eventually more than 11,000 were built.
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VULTEE Valiant (4242353)


At Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson, AZ, 21 Apr 18. More info from PASM webiste:

Manufacturer: VULTEE
Markings: U.S. Army Air Forces, 1941
Designation: BT-13A
Serial Number: 42-42353


Virtually every potential pilot trained by the Army Air Force in World War II did their Basic Flight course in a BT-13. The BT-13 was an excellent trainer for new pilots since it had very docile handling characteristics. One feature of the aircraft that was not appreciated led to its unflattering nickname "Vibrator." In high speed flight the canopy rattled in a disconcerting manner that tended to distract new pilots. The first BT-13s entered Army service in 1939 and eventually more than 11,000 were built.


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
This aircraft is also hanging in the new hangar at PASM and is in very nice shape.
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