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Boeing 737-800 (ZS-ZWU) - British Airways, operated by Comair, Flight CAW6241 from Johannesburg FAOR to Port Elizabeth FAPE, on approach to land in Port Elizabeth RWY 08, almost an hour late. Approach virtually directly above my home, this snapped at a nudge before 1:15pm on Tuesday 31 July, on a bright sunny winters day. I happened to notice on my FA FlightFeeder Skyview that this bird was heading directly for me, had to grab the kit, fit the long lens, and run outside just in time to catch her overhead of me at 4,550 ft and a ground speed of 240 kts. In the rush, the first few shots were completely out of focus, and had to regroup before grabbing this shot. Not the best, but at least I got it. This plane (Serial 33013) was delivered to Air Berlin (D-ABBK) in May 2003, and then to Comair in December 2016.
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Boeing 737-800 (ZS-ZWU)


British Airways, operated by Comair, Flight CAW6241 from Johannesburg FAOR to Port Elizabeth FAPE, on approach to land in Port Elizabeth RWY 08, almost an hour late. Approach virtually directly above my home, this snapped at a nudge before 1:15pm on Tuesday 31 July, on a bright sunny winters day. I happened to notice on my FA FlightFeeder Skyview that this bird was heading directly for me, had to grab the kit, fit the long lens, and run outside just in time to catch her overhead of me at 4,550 ft and a ground speed of 240 kts. In the rush, the first few shots were completely out of focus, and had to regroup before grabbing this shot. Not the best, but at least I got it. This plane (Serial 33013) was delivered to Air Berlin (D-ABBK) in May 2003, and then to Comair in December 2016.


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Viv PikePhoto Uploader
And this happens to be the first upload of this bird to the FA Gallery
Greg Byington
That's a pretty nice shot, Viv, especially since you were rushed! ;-)
Viv PikePhoto Uploader
Thanks very much for your kind words, Greg. Appreciated.
Greg Byington
You bet!
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