113 Stimmen (4.89 Durchschnitt) und 44.210 Ansichten  

Boeing 777-200 (N704DK) - Sydney's massive fog creating some nice surprises.br /DL40/DAL40 to LAX Los Angeles, R34L 07/07/2019
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 777-200 (N704DK)


Sydney's massive fog creating some nice surprises.
DL40/DAL40 to LAX Los Angeles, R34L 07/07/2019


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Patricio Bravo
Great photo. Good opportunity to see the visual effect of fog.
Dick Nieuwendyk
A WOW shot!
Tom Heaverlo
Awesome photo! Great job!
John David
Outstanding catch Mark, well done sir!
Awesome photo!
Dan Schachte
An excellent visual of Bernoulli’s principle, with a shout out to Euler. Every fluid mechanics prof should have this picture
Klasse Photo!!!
Five stars!
Curtis Smith
Awesome shot!! I really like seeing the cloud effect over the wings.
A.Levent Bekdik
Fantastic, incredible, thanks for sharing
Great timing!
frank theriault
Wow. Just wow.
très belle photos merci
Kofi Wontumi
Nice one
Alexey Glybin
Effect Prandtl-Glauert.
Richard Steeb
Wingtip vortices too! Cool!
Lonnie Penner
Excellent photo. 5*+ Thanks for sharing
Yes! Perfectly timed shot! The fog being evenly distributed across the wings is a once in a lifetime shot!
Bet the flight crew will be hunting this one down.
This is a view they do not get to see of themselves in action. Great moment.
Mario Gxx
Nice capture!!
Daniel Hunt
Amazing! Good job!
noice pic brings back memories of me going to Africa.
I've heard people say that condensation photos like this demonstrate "breaking the sound barrier."

I'm out of breathe trying to talk about air, much less water vapor, with them.

Supersonic B-triple 7 with gear down. Gotcha.

Great photo though! Links to a poster-size print?
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