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— — - V22 Osprey at Madison Municipal Airport RWY 21
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

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V22 Osprey at Madison Municipal Airport RWY 21


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Doug Irvin
Wow - I wish we could see more of this aircraft.
Keith Brown
No way I'm getting on one. They have a notoriously bad safety record (relatively speaking). I feel sorry for the troops that are forced to board these on a mission. I understand the benefits of being able to fly longer distances at higher speed than a helicopter, but just task a C-130 and use airborne troops and airdrop. This thing is monstrosity that never should've been contracted.
Paul Hohman
Still questionable in my opinion.
Lowly Jimson
Politician imposed program nobody wanted.
Matt Lacey
The fact is that NASA proved the technology in the early 70s. The military program has been mismanaged horribly. I wrote a term paper on it in grad school (a tech policy class, as my degrees are in engineering). First Lady Trump rode on one.
I think I’ll pass riding on one of those things.


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