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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (N422NA) - Side profile of No. 4 Engine & Cockpit of Connie "Bataan" shortly before departure for Madison, WI & Chino,  CA
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Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (N422NA)


Side profile of No. 4 Engine & Cockpit of Connie "Bataan" shortly before departure for Madison, WI & Chino, CA


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John Giambone
#Connie Love! Love It! I love detail shots like this. Thank you Ken! Got any tail close up shot's?
Phil Townrow
Doug Irvin why not post something positive for a change. Beautiful aircraft that are rarely seen. It’s nice to see different perspectives of the same aircraft. Well done Ken
ken kemperPhoto Uploader
Thanks Phil......

Tough not to take multiple pics of a Connie.
Keith Brown
@Doug Irvin Why do you constantly feel the need to repeat YOURSELF every week? Are you autistic? Nobody cares.
Edna Knight
Always use Flightaware to track friends and family travelling. Thank you.
Good perspective.

Great shot.
Doug Irvin, QUIT GIVING A SHIT about the duplicates. Just enjoy the different angles.
Bob Harrington
Doug Irwin - go to the homepage of Flightaware's photo gallery; there are thousands upon thousands of images to enjoy - even if some are of the same aircraft.
a mentor
We're making more of Doug than he poorly does about the pictures! Isolate him and just don't respond is my approach
William Owens
Thank you Ken for the excellent photos of such a beautiful and rare machine. Would love to see more of them in the future!
ken kemperPhoto Uploader

I will definitely post some more Connie pics soon. Appreciate all the kind comments.
Hugh Janus
I see our moronic friend with the same ol' BS.
Jimmy Robinson
Guys, I must be missing something. I see comments about "Doug" on different photo posts but no Doug in the comments. I can only assume this guy has made negative and derogatory comments and has been kicked off FlightAware.

Also, Ken Kemper, great shots of the Constellation. I've seen the others you have posted and they are all really outstanding.
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