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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972) - The B-29 Show at Oshkosh 2017!
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972)


The B-29 Show at Oshkosh 2017!


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James Driskell
Now there's something you don't see everyday! Yay, Fifi and Doc.
Chas DeVine
If you speak English and still have the Rights granted By the Constitution of the United States of America , you owe a debt of gratitude to all involved in the production and operation of this magnificent aircraft.
While Harry Truman was still Commander in Chief, I served with those that crewed the B-29 and the B24's over Europe. To know them is to realize they were "the greatest generation". God bless then all.
ken kemperPhoto Uploader
Thank you Mr. DeVine for your accurate comments & wisdom.
Mark McAdoo
B-29s over Europe?
ken kemperPhoto Uploader

That's right. Only 3 B-29's ever flew to England during WW 2 on their long way to India & on to China with the hope that the Luftwaffe would spot them....and they sure did. Recon Flight flew over the field after they landed within the hour.

Germany was bracing for the B-29 & it never showed up over their skies.
roger hautekeer
je suis étonné de constater qu on parle du passage du B29 en europe WW2----(I was 15) Mais je pense qu il a été utilisé en Asie au départ de Guam et les Philipines pour crosser le Japon (si je me souviens par les radios et journaux de cette époque.nous étions friands d aviation et de forteresses volantes.
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