Airbus A300F4-600 (N651FE)
Forward fuselage of "Whitney" getting the Type 1 Deice Treatment of hot water & propylene glycol 8:30 pm January 4th.
Thanks Bob.............
The flight history shows this aircraft being much under-utilized.
Great photograph of de-icing operations.
Great photograph of de-icing operations.
Thank you Robert...............
Appreciate your comment.
Appreciate your comment.
I recall my father in law telling me how they would de-ice the wings on Frontier/Western aircraft back in the 1950's 1960's at SLC. The ground crews would use a length of thick hawser rope thrown over the wing and 2 men would see-saw it across the length of the wing breaking up the ice and snow.
I'd have to say Deicing has come a long way since..........
Neat commentary / Thank you
I'd have to say Deicing has come a long way since..........
Neat commentary / Thank you
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